Delivery on your terms.
All the tools you need to manage your deliveries in-house and own the customer experience rather than dealing with a third party.
1) Determine how you want to deliver.
First, set a delivery radius and a delivery fee (optional). Then you can create weekly delivery windows for customers to choose from. Set a maximum number of miles you want a courier to drive within a window, and the maximum number of orders to be fulfilled within a window.

2) Your customer selects a delivery window.
Once a delivery window reaches it's maximum, customers can no longer select it at checkout. Which means you don't need to worry about re-scheduling deliveries.

3) You or your drivers work on delivery assignments.
Our delivery assingment feature makes it easy for you or your drivers to manage deliveries.
Simply go to the delivery assignment, and you'll be able to see all the orders in the assignment
on the map and how far they are from your current location.